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Localization of the protein Mover in cultured neuronsherpof2018-05-24T17:02:36+00:00
Synapses of a neuron in cell cultureherpof2018-05-24T17:13:14+00:00
Synapses of a cultured neuronherpof2018-05-24T17:13:22+00:00
Visualizing the receiver structures of a nerve cellherpof2018-05-24T17:15:11+00:00
Cultured astrocytesherpof2018-05-24T17:13:30+00:00
Neuron to Astrocyte BDNF Transfer Promotes Astrocytic Abundanceherpof2018-05-24T17:13:39+00:00
Introduction of DNA into a nerve cellherpof2018-05-24T17:13:42+00:00
Detecting the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase in the brainherpof2018-05-24T17:13:51+00:00
Revealing actin molecules in live nerve cellsherpof2018-05-24T17:14:03+00:00
Molecules in the cerebellar cortexherpof2018-05-24T17:14:21+00:00
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