Florelle Domart
Post-doctoral researcher
Scientific interests
Neurotransmitter release relies on an intricate molecular machinery whose structural layout has yet to be deciphered. For example, long scaffolding proteins such as Bassoon extend as filamentous structures from the presynaptic plasma membrane into the synaptic terminal. Synaptic vesicles appear to be arranged within and outside the meshwork formed by such filaments. Are these filaments static or dynamic? How do they interact with proteins on synaptic vesicles. And which proteins are there to begin with?
Mover/TPRG1L is a protein present in various organs such as the brain, liver and heart. In neurons, Mover was first identified as a Bassoon binding protein associated with synaptic vesicles. However, this protein is also expressed by glial cells.
Is Mover involved in similar events in neurons and glia? Is it localized to organelles in glia? Does Mover play a role in a mechanism involving both neurons and glia at the same time? In order to understand the role of Mover in neurons and glia, we must first study its exact location in the presynapse of neuronal cells and its subcellular localization in glia.
The development of nanoscopy in recent years allows us to image the localization of proteins at the sub-synaptic level in 2D and 3D. Thus, using primary rat cultures, STED and Minflux super-resolution microscopy, we can obtain new information about the presynaptic organization and localization of Mover in both cell types and thus gain a more specific insight into its function.
- 06-2020 – present University of Göttingen (UMG). Post-doctorate
- 10-2016 – 10-2019 Bordeaux University (France). PhD project, Doctoral school of Chemical sciences. “Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence and super-resolution correlative nanoimaging of metals and proteins in synapses of hippocampal neurons”.
- 2014-2016 Bordeaux University (France). Master of Health Biology Biochemistry Chemical-Biology.
- Cytoplasmic aggregation of uranium in human dopaminergic cells after continuous exposure to soluble uranyl at non-cytotoxic concentrations. Carmona A, Porcaro F, Somogyi A, Roudeau S, Domart F, Medjoubi K, Aubert M, Isnard H, Nonell A, Rincel A, Paredes E, Vidaud C, Malard V, Bresson C, Ortega R. Neurotoxicology. 2021 Jan;82:35-44.
- Correlating STED and synchrotron XRF nano-imaging unveils cosegregation of metals and cytoskeleton proteins in dendrites. Domart F, Cloetens P, Roudeau S, Carmona A, Verdier E, Choquet D, Ortega R. Elife. 2020 Dec 8;9:e62334.
- Manganese levels in infant formula and young child nutritional beverages in the United States and France: Comparison to breast milk and regulations. Frisbie SH, Mitchell EJ, Roudeau S, Domart F, Carmona A, Ortega R. PLoS One. 2019 Nov 5;14(11):e0223636.
- Zinc and Copper Effects on Stability of Tubulin and Actin Networks in Dendrites and Spines of Hippocampal Neurons. Perrin L, Roudeau S, Carmona A, Domart F, Petersen JD, Bohic S, Yang Y, Cloetens P, Ortega R. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2017 Jul 19;8(7):1490-1499.