Dr. Donatus Riemann
Post-doctoral researcher
- 01.10.2016 – now Dentist in a free practice
- 01.06.2015 – now Dissertation: “Charakterisierung des Targetingverhaltens präsynaptischer Proteine” at the Synaptogenesis Lab, Department of Anatomy and Embryology, University of Goettingen.
- 26.11.2015 State examination
- 01.10.2014 – 30.09.2015 Scholarship “Deutschlandstipendium”
- 10.2010 – 26.11.2016 Study of dentistry (University of Göttingen)
- 01.10.2009 – 04.08.2010 Civil service
- An Optical Assay for Synaptic Vesicle Recycling in Cultured Neurons Overexpressing Presynaptic Proteins
Riemann, D., Petkova, A., Dresbach, T., Wallrafen, R.
J. Vis. Exp. (136), e58043, 2018, doi: 10.3791/58043 - The Kohlschütter-Tönz syndrome associated gene Rogdi encodes a novel presynaptic protein
Donatus Riemann, Rebecca Wallrafen & Thomas Dresbach
Scientific Reports, vol 7, no. 1, 2017. Springer Nature, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16004-1.